Energy Efficiency

Commission’s jurisdiction has implemented Commission approved Energy Efficiency (EE) Programs that help their customers save energy.
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Energy Efficiency Evaluation, Measurement & Verification Technical Reference Manual

Utility Energy Efficiency Annual Reports

Self- Direct Energy Efficiency Option

The Arkansas Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is a publication that describes protocols for verifying, measuring and evaluating energy savings under EE programs funded by public utilities in Arkansas. Evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) activities help determine how much economic value EE programs provide for customers and what effect EE program energy savings will have on current and future public utility infrastructure and service plans. The TRM also includes “Deemed Savings” values, which are estimates of how much energy is saved, on average, by many of the measures implemented through the utility EE programs. Deemed Savings values are documented in the TRM with the detailed assumptions that underlie those estimates. Because EE is a rapidly-changing field, the TRM will be periodically updated. At the beginning of the TRM is a concordance that correlates certain parts of the current TRM version with equivalent sections of the earlier TRM version.

The Arkansas TRM Version v.9.1 was approved on October 20, 2022, by Order No. 40 of Docket No. 10-100-R. To view the TRM, Please Click Here!

Pursuant to Section 9 of the C&EE Rules, each electric and natural gas utility under the Commission’s jurisdiction must file an EE annual report. On February 3, 2010, Commission Order No. 1 in Docket No. 10-010-U directed the utilities to file complete and standardized reports of activities and impacts of ratepayer-funded EE programs in Arkansas. Commission Order No. 20 approved Version 4.0 of the Standardized Annual Report Packet (SARP) for use by Arkansas jurisdictional EE utilities and program administrators.

To view the SARP Version 4.0 instructions, please Click Here.

Please Click Here for the SARP Version 4.0 Workbook.

Please Click Here for the SARP Version 4.0 Workbook for Third Party Administrators.

To view the individual utility Annual Reports, Please Click Here!

Pursuant to Section 11 of the C&EE Rules, non-residential customers that meet certain eligibility requirements may apply to the Commission for a Certificate of Exemption that, if approved, will allow the customer to “opt-out” of utility provided EE programs by choosing the Self- Direct Option. A utility customer wishing to apply for the Self-Direct Option must complete and submit its Application to the Commission for its review and approval. The Application can be filed in person, by mail, or through the Commission Electronic Filing System (EFS).

Please Click Here for the Electric Self-Direct Application.

Please Click Here for the Natural Gas Self-Direct Application.

The Arkansas Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is a publication that describes protocols for verifying, measuring and evaluating energy savings under EE programs funded by public utilities in Arkansas. Evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) activities help determine how much economic value EE programs provide for customers and what effect EE program energy savings will have on current and future public utility infrastructure and service plans. The TRM also includes “Deemed Savings” values, which are estimates of how much energy is saved, on average, by many of the measures implemented through the utility EE programs. Deemed Savings values are documented in the TRM with the detailed assumptions that underlie those estimates. Because EE is a rapidly-changing field, the TRM will be periodically updated. At the beginning of the TRM is a concordance that correlates certain parts of the current TRM version with equivalent sections of the earlier TRM version.

The Arkansas TRM Version v.9.1 was approved on October 20, 2022, by Order No. 40 of Docket No. 10-100-R. To view the TRM, Please Click Here!

Pursuant to Section 9 of the C&EE Rules, each electric and natural gas utility under the Commission’s jurisdiction must file an EE annual report. On February 3, 2010, Commission Order No. 1 in Docket No. 10-010-U directed the utilities to file complete and standardized reports of activities and impacts of ratepayer-funded EE programs in Arkansas. Commission Order No. 20 approved Version 4.0 of the Standardized Annual Report Packet (SARP) for use by Arkansas jurisdictional EE utilities and program administrators.

To view the SARP Version 4.0 instructions, please Click Here.

Please Click Here for the SARP Version 4.0 Workbook.

Please Click Here for the SARP Version 4.0 Workbook for Third Party Administrators.

To view the individual utility Annual Reports, Please Click Here!

Pursuant to Section 11 of the C&EE Rules, non-residential customers that meet certain eligibility requirements may apply to the Commission for a Certificate of Exemption that, if approved, will allow the customer to “opt-out” of utility provided EE programs by choosing the Self- Direct Option. A utility customer wishing to apply for the Self-Direct Option must complete and submit its Application to the Commission for its review and approval. The Application can be filed in person, by mail, or through the Commission Electronic Filing System (EFS).

Please Click Here for the Electric Self-Direct Application.

Please Click Here for the Natural Gas Self-Direct Application.

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utility energy efficiency web pages