Distributed Energy Resources & Grid Modernization

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Distributed Energy Resources

With the launch of its first educational Workshop on Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Grid Modernization, the Arkansas Public Service Commission is calling upon the state’s utilities and their engineers, electric sector technology developers, consumer protection advocates, and …
energy consumers themselves to guide the policy choices that regulators face as the electric utility industry gets more focused on its customers. Drawing upon local, state, and national experts in a multi-year process of workshops, working groups, and ultimately, development of Commission orders, rules, and tariffs, the Commission is looking at how to prepare Arkansas’s electric customers and utilities for the penetration of DERs such as solar power, battery storage, smart thermostats and other energy efficiency and demand-response measures, electric vehicles, and smart appliances that are reaching the marketplace in larger volumes and constantly declining prices. While Arkansas is starting in a good place, with electric rates among the lowest in the nation and with the percentage of personal electricity costs near or at all-time lows, the Commission wants consumers to have options, so that if there is a price shock caused by external events such as a natural gas price spike or changes in federal law or policy on carbon, they can do something about it. The Commission acknowledges that Arkansas has a disproportionate low-income customer base and intends to keep a sharp focus on ways of tailoring policies to increase the ability of disadvantaged customers to access new technologies that can lower energy bills. The Commission’s goal in this proceeding is to identify and remove non-price barriers to the adoption of new technologies that can be economic winners in the energy market. The Commission seeks to develop policies that result in price discovery, so that within the state’s vertically integrated regulatory model there can be customer-driven preference to make sure customers are getting a good deal. The Commission also recognizes the necessity of managing costs and the risk of stranded assets as the nation and the world transition to a transitive electric grid, in which customers can provide valuable resources to the utility while counting on the grid to provide affordable, clean, reliable electric service.

Docket 16-028-U

Procedural History of the DER Docket

On April 29, 2016, the APSC opened Docket No. 16-028-U, “In the Matter of an Investigation of Policies Related to Renewable Distributed Electric Generation.” Subsequently, by Order No. 5 issued on November 9, 2017, the Commission expanded the Docket, which…
is now entitled “In the Matter of an Investigation of Policies Related to Distributed Energy Resources.” The Commission at that time provided some definitional information regarding DER, described the scope of the expanded Docket, and requested the Parties to the Docket to engage in collaborative consideration, led by Staff, of various DER issues. The Commission posed a set of 19 questions for consideration by the Parties, and reopened the intervention period to allow additional participation by parties in the expanded proceeding. The Commission deferred procedural filings, including the commencement of timelines for the filing of substantive comments and testimony, pending subsequent orders to be issued after the intervention period ended. Several new parties were granted intervention. On July 27, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 10, requesting the Parties to file pre-Workshop procedural comments and announced that an initial Workshop on DER and Grid Modernization Procedural Issues, as well as public educational workshops on DER issues would be set by future order. The Commission identified a number of additional issues and sub-issues for substantive exploration in the Docket at a future time. Parties filed comments on procedural issues on September 28, 2018. On April 30, 2019, by Order No. 11 the Commission announced the engagement of Facilitators and the scheduling of Workshop 1 on June 11 and 12, 2019, at the Commission’s Hearing Room in Little Rock. On June 6, 2019, the Commission issued Order No. 12, announcing a schedule for Workshops 2 and potential schedules for Workshops 3, and 4.

Timeline of Events

Click the year below to see what we have been up to. 

April 29, 2016 The PSC opened Docket No. 16-028-U , “In the Matter of an Investigation of Policies Related to Renewable Distributed Electric Generation.
November 9, 2017 The Commission issued Order No. 5, expanding the Docket, which is now entitled “In the Matter of an Investigation of Policies Related to Distributed Energy Resources.”
July 27, 2018 The Commission issued Order No. 10 , requesting the Parties to file pre-Workshop procedural comments and announced that an initial Workshop on DER and Grid Modernization Procedural Issues, as well as public educational workshops on DER issues would be set by future order. September 28, 2018 Parties filed comments on procedural issues.
April 30, 2019 By Order No. 11 the Commission announced the engagement of Facilitators and the scheduling of Workshop 1 on June 11 and 12, 2019, at the Commission’s Hearing Room in Little Rock. June 6, 2019 The Commission issued Order No. 12 , announcing a schedule for Workshops 2 and potential schedules for Workshops 3, and 4. September 4, 5 and 6, 2019 Workshop 2 will be at the offices of the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (MISO), 1700 Centerview Drive, Little Rock, AR 72211, beginning at 9:30 a.m. each day. This Workshop will conclude by noon on Friday, September 6, 2019; October 30 and 31, 2019 Workshop 3 will be at the offices of Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation, l Cooperative Way, Little Rock, AR 72209, with the final schedule to be announced at a later time; October 28 , 2019 Updates on Interconnection and 1547

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Arkansas Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 400
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1000 Center Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-4314
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