Commissioners’ Staff

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Commissioners’ Staff

With both quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial authority the Commissioners render decisions covering a wide spectrum of issues including policy matters, rates, tariffs, territory allocations, utility plant construction sitings and bond issues.

The Commissioner’s Staff, under the direction of the Chief Administrative Law Judge, is comprised of five Sections: (1) the Administrative Law Judges and Legal Section; (2) the Research and Policy Development Section; (3) the Office of the Secretary of the Commission; (4) the Administrative Services Section; and (5) the Office of Information Technology. Responsibilities of each Section are described below.

Administrative Law Judges and Legal Section

This Section is comprised of Administrative Law Judges and attorneys. The Administrative Law Judges render decisions in dockets delegated to them by order of the Commission. Attorneys in this Section also advise and represent the Commission on various state and federal legal matters.

Research and Policy Development Section

This Section, under the supervision of the Director of Research and Policy Development, is the technical arm of the Commissioners’ Staff, with personnel specializing in the telecommunications, electric, natural gas, and water industries, as well as in economic, legal, and accounting matters. This Section provides technical and policy advice to the Commissioners in both state and federal proceedings and actively participates as expert witnesses before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This Section also presents testimony and/or comments on behalf of the Commission before the Federal Communications Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Office of the Secretary of the Commission

All documents filed with the Commission and all orders issued by the Commission are processed by this Office. Official Commission records such as docket files, tariffs, and annual reports are also maintained in this area. This Office provides the public with access to official Commission records either directly as requested or through the Commission’s Internet web site.

Administrative Services Section

Fiscal/Personnel staff members prepare initial budgets; handle purchasing, accounting, inventory control and payroll; assist in developing assessments for the APSC’s operating budget; and assist with the Federal Department of Transportation Pipeline Safety Grant. Maintaining personnel records, screening and processing job applicants, conducting new employee orientation, and coordinating employee training and management classes are other functions performed by the Fiscal/Personnel Office.

The Mail/Supply/Copy Center handles internal mail distribution, photocopying, central supplies, and maintenance of the agency vehicle fleet.

Office of Information Technology (OIT)

OIT is the agent for implementing technology solutions to further Commission initiatives. IT supports the entire agency. The primary missions of IT are personal computer and network operations for general office functions such as office automation, electronic mail, internet research, file and print sharing; system development and maintenance for the Tax Division tax assessment systems; and Commission operations support including enhancing electronic communication with external parties and citizens.